Connecting you to Global Opportunities
Here are some of the reasons why you should join us today
Get Trained
Get access to premium training where you gain knowledge and skill you need to perform optimally.
Work from anywhere
Whether you are highly skilled or just thinking of how to get started, there is always a place for you.
See job opportunities
See job offers from top global companies, accept them and work from anywhere.
Our Advantage
Finding work online can be daunting especially if you don't have skill or experience, you could be easily deceived into some get-rich-quick scheme further losing the little you have. On Techres, you gain access to tasks and jobs opportunities at global companies, get paid a global rate (not local), access training(s) at no-cost to you. If you have the required skill you will get a job no matter how small, provided you are ready to work.
How it works
Let's set you up for success
Download the App
Get ready by downloading the app or accessing the web-app on your mobile device to get started.
Follow through
Here are the steps you need take after downloading the app
Get Connected
Connect with either tasks and/or job opportunities across the globe.
About us
Techres is a social enterprise which helps to equip the society by tranferring skills through training and connecting people to online opportunities (future-of-work). We help contribute to UN Sustainability Development Goals 4 and 8 by helping people acquire the necessary skills needed to work online either through decent jobs or entrepreneurship to achieve economic growth.
Life Nugget
Everything begins and ends with an empowering morning routine. What you do in the morning, sets the pace for the rest of the day.
Let your gaze consistently be on what matters at the end. Be laser-sharp focused.
One habit that will influence both your happiness and your overall success in life, is the ability to manage time effectively.
How to hack your dream job
Wondering about how to get back on track with your career, here are tips to hack your dream job
How to get started working online
Do you want to know how to work online and get paid, then here is how can get started today.
Why you should take software testing serious
Are you wondering on how to get started in IT/Tech, then you may find this interesting