4 types of persons you should know
Here are the 4 major groups of person you should know
There are 4 types of people you should watch out for online, as there are chances you will meet all of them in a lifetime.
Firstly, There are those who genuinely want legitimate jobs to work from home and really put in the efforts & time required to get results. They continue to learn and grow, have the right attitude and habits necessary to stay the course till they succeed. These ones know that diligence can lead to a lot of good outcomes at the end. They know that good things are a result of a process which usually take time. They are willing to develop their capacity and understand the process it will take to achieve their goals. They do not see this process as suffering. They know that growth process can be painful today but pays tomorrow.
Next, are those who have made up their minds not to pass through the growth process but want the result. They believe that you can succeed by circumventing every process. They are not ready to put in the time and effort for legitimate work from home jobs. If they experience little challenges along the line of work, rather than persist or pivot to something else, they cut corners. They are always on the lookout for circumstances that will make them justify why the pain for legitimate isn't always worth it and feels smart people don’t have to work hard.
Also, there are those who sincerely want legitimate work at home jobs but lack the proper orientation in terms of knowledge and skill. They have the energy and willing to put the time and efforts, but their labor always wears them out because they do not understand the process and essence of what they are doing. They are the ones that hop from one thing to the next, usually doing lots of these for years without seeing any of them to a logical conclusion. If they are not getting the desired results, rather than look critically why they aren't, they move to the next thing and the next then the next. They are usually not thorough and consistent. They are very poor at managing challenges, obstacles and frustrations either because they are genuinely ignorant or seeking the path of least resistance. They are also poor learners.
Finally, are the ones that just want to look successful at all cost, hook or crook. They don't mind what it takes or whose Ox gets gored provided they are making some money. These come in different forms from unethical hackers to scammers. A large proportion of them do it out of choice, only very few do it out of circumstances. They don't have the patience to put in the time and effort to look for legitimate jobs to work from home, but are willing to sacrifice the lives of others to look good and perceived successful.
You will most likely fall into one of the categories and so do others too, the world is at it's best when we all provide value. In our daily interaction with other, we should appreciate these different types of people and manage them too. Still looking for legitimate jobs to work from home? Why not join Techres Club